I immigrated from Denmark very young.  I was five-year-old having no idea what was before me. The journey has taken me through four significant career changes over the course of 70+ years. 
I purchase a Bronica C when I was in college. I hoped to develop a commercial photographic career. Getting married and beginning a family soon created financial necessities photography could not support. I had to sell my camera gear to scrape enough money together to buy our first house. My photography days were on sabbatical for the next thirty-five years. I now shot with a Pentax K1ii. Most of these images were taken using old manual lenses, some going back to the 60’s.
Regarding the images, I see and capture moments in and out in my local world. I wonder and marvel at what the seasons reveal. I hold to a notion there is a creator who builds and erodes as a sculptor chisels away what is to reveal; what is for a time seen, to then again reshape for further revelation of what would otherwise be hidden. The thrill is to witness what is for the moment and will be gone with time. Then to come back to a new revelation, sometimes the next day. Photographers are in some way's prophets, revealing what is otherwise there, but not seen.
Enjoy what I have witnessed.
 If you see an image you would like to purchase, contact me for material, sizes and cost.  Call 206-225-3794. All photos are copy written: VA 2-136-186.
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